Project Doubletree
Hilton Garden Inn Hotel & Doubletree Suites | Riyadh – K.S.A.
111 Doubletree suites by Hilton | 262 rooms in Hilton Garden inn

The Hilton Garden Inn Hotel & DoubleTree Suites includes 262 suites and 111 serviced appartments. The hotel provides 5 star facilities:
- Restaurants
- Meeting facilities
- Ballroom, fitness center & basketballcourts etc
- Building: 15 stories, 60 m height, 40.000 m2, 1.750 WSFU
- Solutions: Cooled-cold water supply, hot water supply
and grey water supply - Realization: 2018-2019
- Dimension: 20-160 mm, 40.000 m pipe, 40.000 fittings
- 111 Doubletree suites and 262 rooms

„I am very pleased with Wefatherm. The quality is better than other brands where I have experience with. My first introduction with the Wefatherm brand was via a friendly relation. Before adopting it, we tested it in a mockup. I witnessed the welding closely to see the weld result. To be sure that the components are made of virgin material, and not of mixed material. When mixed material is welded it fumes and smells artificial. The mockup installation was tested for leakage and the test pressure was raised up to 30 bars to see how it behaves under extreme conditions. No leakage occurred. Everything was good, from material to installation. What I regard as important is the international certification of the Wefatherm system, that it has been approved previously by other consultants on other projects. The Wefatherm components are clearly branded so that consultant can check the originality of the components on site.
I have only positive experiences with Wefatherm, everything is okay. I can recommend clients, consultants, engineers and fellow MEP contractors to apply the Wefatherm PP-RCT pipe systems for all kind of hot and cold water applications.“
For additional information:
Tariq Abbadi
General Manager – GCC